“Once upon… a photo” Group exhibition

Opening: Wednesday 5 June 2024, 7-10 p.m.

Duration: 5 June – 9 August 2024

Visiting hours: Tuesday to Friday 12 – 7 p.m.


The show is like a live version of Instagram: instead of scrolling a finger over the screen, the viewer moves past each photograph. Alternatively, viewers are pawns on the board of a table game: the winner sees the story behind the picture first, except there are no losers in this game.

The photographic works become windows that open to the world. They awaken our unconscious, make us face our nightmares, escort us on a night out, delve into our deepest desires. The gaze of the characters captured by the lens, the atmospheric landscapes and the angle of each photograph, as well as our own gaze, our own mood, our own angle, tell us a different story each time.

The title of the exhibition, which references to the phrase “Once upon a time…”, invites us to create our own story. Stories are one of the most important sources of knowledge, because they familiarize us with unknown, improbable or real-life scenarios. A story, whether fictional or real, puts us in touch with our emotions and provides insight into how we position ourselves.

The group exhibition features artists who have worked with different techniques, in different places and at different times. Can these different approaches create a whole new narrative? Visitors are invited to create their own.

The photographs in the exhibition, whether analogue or digital, black and white or colour, are works by the artists: Nobuyoshi Araki, Nan Goldin, Deanna Maganias, Tracey Moffatt, Gabriel Orozco, Bill Owens, Wolfgang Tillmans, Chris Verene.

The exhibition is part of the APhF:24 Satellite Program curated by Sylvia Sahini as part of the Athens Photo festival.


For more information and photographic material please contact the gallery at gallery@rebeccacamhi.com or 2105233049.